Monday, March 26, 2012

MAPI client for SQL Mail and SNMP Integration

We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000, on our production
database servers. My boss thinks there is a security threat by installing
Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any security issues with
I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which enables monitoring
database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did anyone use this?
Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors with severity
greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be appreciated.I am unaware of any security issues. I have run into some stability and
usability issues woth Outlook and MAPI mail from SQL and SQL agent.
You might want to look at xp_smtp_sendmail from It doesn't
have the seamless integration, but with a little extra work it can do most
everything you will need. It is also much more stable than Outlook on a SQL
Geoff N. Hiten
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Senior Database Administrator
I support the Professional Association for SQL Server
"Prasad Koukuntla" <> wrote in message
> We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000, on our
> database servers. My boss thinks there is a security threat by installing
> Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any security issues
> this?
> I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which enables monitoring
> database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did anyone use this?
> Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors with severity
> greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be appreciated.
>|||Thank you Geoff.
I too feel that there are no security issues.
I have used xp_smtp_sendmail before, however, this one may require custom
programming to capture the errors and then sending the alerts which we may
not want to do. Thanks.
"Geoff N. Hiten" <> wrote in message
> I am unaware of any security issues. I have run into some stability and
> usability issues woth Outlook and MAPI mail from SQL and SQL agent.
> You might want to look at xp_smtp_sendmail from It
> have the seamless integration, but with a little extra work it can do most
> everything you will need. It is also much more stable than Outlook on a
> console.
> --
> Geoff N. Hiten
> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
> Senior Database Administrator
> I support the Professional Association for SQL Server
> "Prasad Koukuntla" <> wrote in message
> news:eoBRa99%23DHA.684@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> > We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000, on our
> production
> > database servers. My boss thinks there is a security threat by
> > Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any security issues
> with
> > this?
> >
> > I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which enables monitoring
> > database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did anyone use
> > Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors with severity
> > greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
>|||search for xpsmtp mail for sql server on internet, its
much more stable and reliable and you can download it for
free. You use to monitor sql jobs, error logs and send any
kind of emails from sql server.
to send alerts, create a job and in step text enter
something like following, don't create a schedule for this
exec master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@.from = '', = '<>',
@.subject = 'SQL Server errors with
severity greater than 19 occurred',
@.message = '<message>',
@.server = '<YOUR SMPT SERVER>'
Define your alerts for severity greater than 19, and
response to the alert Execute the above job.
>--Original Message--
>We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000,
on our production
>database servers. My boss thinks there is a security
threat by installing
>Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any
security issues with
>I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which
enables monitoring
>database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did
anyone use this?
>Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors
with severity
>greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be
>|||Okay, I will try this approach. Thanks Guru.
"Guru" <> wrote in message
> search for xpsmtp mail for sql server on internet, its
> much more stable and reliable and you can download it for
> free. You use to monitor sql jobs, error logs and send any
> kind of emails from sql server.
> to send alerts, create a job and in step text enter
> something like following, don't create a schedule for this
> job:
> exec master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
> @.from = '',
> = '<>',
> @.subject = 'SQL Server errors with
> severity greater than 19 occurred',
> @.message = '<message>',
> @.server = '<YOUR SMPT SERVER>'
> Define your alerts for severity greater than 19, and
> response to the alert Execute the above job.
> hth.
> >--Original Message--
> >We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000,
> on our production
> >database servers. My boss thinks there is a security
> threat by installing
> >Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any
> security issues with
> >this?
> >
> >I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which
> enables monitoring
> >database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did
> anyone use this?
> >Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors
> with severity
> >greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be
> appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
> >.
> >|||Prasad,
To add to the other comments:
You can use xp_smtp_sendmail for event alerts without creating jobs for each
alert, check out
As for the SNMP support: As of 7.0 there are no longer support for SNMP
alerts in SQL Server (I'm far away from an SNMP expert, but I think they
call it Alerts in the SNMP world), only monitoring. IMO, SNMP alerts are
probably more useful than what monitoring is...
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
Archive at:
"Prasad Koukuntla" <> wrote in message
> We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000, on our
> database servers. My boss thinks there is a security threat by installing
> Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any security issues
> this?
> I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which enables monitoring
> database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did anyone use this?
> Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors with severity
> greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be appreciated.
>|||Thanks Tibor,
I will check it out.
"Tibor Karaszi" <> wrote in
message news:eB1kG7%23%23DHA.2476@.TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> Prasad,
> To add to the other comments:
> You can use xp_smtp_sendmail for event alerts without creating jobs for
> alert, check out
> As for the SNMP support: As of 7.0 there are no longer support for SNMP
> alerts in SQL Server (I'm far away from an SNMP expert, but I think they
> call it Alerts in the SNMP world), only monitoring. IMO, SNMP alerts are
> probably more useful than what monitoring is...
> --
> Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
> Archive at:
> "Prasad Koukuntla" <> wrote in message
> news:eoBRa99%23DHA.684@.tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl...
> > We are trying avoid installing MAPI client, Outlook 2000, on our
> production
> > database servers. My boss thinks there is a security threat by
> > Outlook on production servers? Are you all aware of any security issues
> with
> > this?
> >
> > I heard about SNMP integration wiith SQL Server which enables monitoring
> > database status and sending alerts to pager or email. Did anyone use
> > Using this, can I send alerts regarding SQL Server errors with severity
> > greater than 19? Any poniters on this topic will be appreciated.
> >
> >
> >

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