Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mapping a user to a login

I have created a login and a user on a database using SMO. I am having trouble mapping a database to the login. When you create a login from the GUI using SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP the user is automatically created and the database is mapped to this login from the user mapping tab. When I create the login programmatically this is not the case so I need to create the user. How do I map the database to the login. I set the default database property on the login but this does not do it.


Michael Gustafson

This is the pattern you would normally follow (this is for a windows user, but it works the same for a SQL user):

Login l = new Login(svr, @."REDMOND\mwories");
l.LoginType = LoginType.WindowsUser;

Database db = svr.Databases["AdventureWorks"];

User u = new User(db, @."REDMOND\mwories");
u.Login = l.Name;
u.UserType = UserType.SqlLogin;

This maps the database user to the login as you create the login.


what property of the Login is used to show what databases are mapped?

also is there a way with SMO to check and see if a password is blank? Granted the odds of that are extemely slimmer with 2005.


I found the DatabaseMapping() class and was able to find which logins were missing mappings. Im still at a lost at how to test for blank passwords using SQL2005 and SMO.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

Chuck Turner

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