Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mapping columns of complexType to different table

In my xml file I have an element called pointInTime which has 4 elements
associated with it.
Among these 4 fields, I need to map 1 field to one SQL table and remaining
fields to another table.
How do I write XSD schema for this.
<xs:element name="pointInTime" sql:relation="SpanFileDetailsTemp">
<xs:element ref="date" sql:field="FileDate"/>
<xs:element ref="isSetl"/>
<xs:element ref="setlQualifier"/>
<xs:element ref="clearingOrg"/>
I tried to map 1 field to the table.
Now should I repeat this for other table?
But If I repeat this, the lement name PointInTime would be duplicated,
So, should I use <xs:element ref="PointInTime" sql:relation="xxxx"> like
this ?
What is the difference between <xs:> and <xsd:>
I found both these while surfing about XSD's.
MeenaMeenakshi wrote:

> What is the difference between <xs:> and <xsd:>
> I found both these while surfing about XSD's.
Whether the prefix is xs or xsd or some other prefix (e.g. pf) does not
matter in terms of XML, what matters is the namespace URI bound to the
prefix. So you can use
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""></xs:schema>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""></xsd:schema>
<pf:schema xmlns:pf=""></pf:schema>
or any other allowed prefix you like as long as the prefix is bound to
the namespace URI
Martin Honnen -- MVP XML

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