Friday, March 30, 2012

Marking posts to get faster attention from SSIS Team

Here is one practical initiative for improving the service SSIS team provides to this forum:

We asked our MVPs to mark posts that need attention from the SSIS team and built a system to fetch those messages and send them directly to our internal distribution list. The report will contain all currently marked messages in non-answered threads.That way, forum posts that MVPs target to us will be much easier for us to find, and the response time for them will be shorter.

The MVPs have accepted to help us with this, and we started extracting messages marked by selected users and sending daily reports to the team.

Please let us know what you think about this action and keep an eye on how we are doing with providing answers on marked threads.

Thank you,

Bob Bojanic, SSIS Team

Well done. I think this is a good idea. Is there any difference between this approach and the SSIS MSDN manged forum?|||

Thanks, Larry.

I am not sure what you are referring to as "MSDN managed forum".


Pardon, I meant managed newsgroup.


Oh, I see.

This seems to be a web client to our newsgroup discussions. We kind of pre-oriented into using this new forum ( in the course of the last couple of years. The newsgroups seem to be still pretty active but there is no as many MS answerers as you can find here. The groups appear to be self-sustained though, and if you prefer less traffic and more focused discussion you should keep visiting them.

This initiative of marking threads to be looked at by the SSIS team is going to be limited to this forum. We do not have access to the server where the newsgroup posts are kept.



Sounds like a good idea, but how about getting the list more than once a day, maybe once an hour?



Gary Watson wrote:

Sounds like a good idea, but how about getting the list more than once a day, maybe once an hour?


Well, likely because the Microsoft guys actually have work to do! Once a day is appropriate, I think. Microsoft employees are under no obligation to answer any question on this forum; certainly in no set time frame.|||

Phil is right; answering posts on this forum is not going to give us a good excuse for not finishing our daily tasks.

This initiative is an attempt to get the questions from here closer to potential answerers. Usually, when we (SSIS team members) read these threads we try to use our time efficiently; so if we do not know the answer or do not have time to do some follow up investigation we will just skip the question hoping somebody else would answer it. If a right person does not come across those hard yet important questions in a few days, they might be left unanswered.

Our tool will find such questions, if marked appropriately, and make them visible to the entire SSIS team. There is no time limit when we have to answer them. They are listed in our report until answered. Most of those questions get answered in 2-3 days (it depends on the time it gets into the report, time zones, weekends, etc). Some of them might even require more time for investigations.

It would not make sense to send the report every hour if we cannot commit to the turnaround time on the same scale. The most important aspect is to get them marked so they do not get lost under new piles of posts.




Hi Bob,

I did not understand before the use of this forum, thanks for clearing that up for me.

I am grateful that you guys can help out whenever you can.




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