Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mapping Columns Automatically?

New to SSIS...

I created a new package with a source and destination and manually created the output column with data type, etc. Works. The issue is say the table has 200 columns to export.. I dont want to create these by hand. How can I just say export them all to csv format and not have to specify and map each and every column?

Use the Export Data Wizard in SSMS.


|||Thats fine and dandy when starting from scratch. But if you have spent a lot of time building scripts and other actions in an existing package... it seems that it should be simple to add all columns to an existing text export. This seems like it would be such a common issue there has to be a solution.|||

You could replace your existing source adapter with a new one. The default behaviour is to select all columns which by the sound of it is what you want.

The new columns will automatically appear in the metadata of downstream components.


|||Thanks.. I will try that and see how it goes.

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