I have a page that shows some problem indexes (cards ? I don't know the word :/ ) and I want to show only those that are from the current day.
I'm using SQL server 2000. I have a date field inside my table (datetime type). So I tried to put another condition in my WHERE clause. This is:
WHERE something = something else AND mydate = DATEPART('dd', getdate())
WHERE something = something else AND mydate = DAY(getdate())
Both don't work..
I wonder if I can really use this in a WHERE clause...of if I'm using them correctly.try:
WHERE mydate BETWEEN CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(nvarchar(20),GetDate(),101)) AND
This will get any date/time between midnight last night and midnight tonight.|||That's it, thanks a lot.
But if it is not too much, can I ask why do I have to convert the whole thing (I thought DATE functions could handle datetime type ?) and what does 101 stand for ?|||i'll let douglas answer your question, but I'd be more comfortable with..
" ... WHERE something = something else AND mydate BETWEEN @.StartDate AND @.EndDate"
commandobject.Parameters.Add("@.StartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
commandobject.Parameters.Add("@.EndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
commandobject.Parameters["@.StartDate"].Value = thestartdatevar;
commandobject.Parameters["@.EndDate"].Value = theenddatevar;|||I presumed that this particular bit of coding was all on the SQL Server box itself. The only reason for using the two dates is so that any entry <b>on a particular day</a> is selected. In the example, he wanted records for today. Thus, no parameters would need to be sent (unless this needs to be generalized).
101 means that the date is formatted mm/dd/yyyy. In thinking about it, 112 (yyyymmdd) would have been better. A DateTime type has both a date AND a time. You are looking to get just a particular date (today in your example).|||Ok.
But is there a way to write a DateTime (like 2004-01-01) and use it with the code you gave me. Because if I want to do an archive of all entries, I have to use specific date (something like clickable month).
I think I should use KraGie code, but how do I initialise DateTime variable ?
For instance, if I want thestartdatevar to be June 1st 2004 (for the moment, because I'll eventually pass the value through a DropDownList or something).
thestartdatevar = ?
PS: Is this C# (the ; ?) ? Because I don't know C#.
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