Saturday, February 25, 2012

Managing Database Mail using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Mail managed classes

I'm trying (or, more precisely, failing) to configure Database Mail from managed code using the classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Mail namespace. I can easily retrieve the SqlMail object and create a new MailAccount instance but I can't figure out how to set the name of the mail server. Once the MailAccount is created, the MailAccount.MailServers property returns a single MailServer instance and this is always configured as the local server. In my case the SMTP server used to send email is not on the local server but is located elsewhere in the network. I figure I need to change the name of the MailServer instance, but whenever I try this I always get a FailedOperationException.

I've noticed that the dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp stored procedure allows you to specify the mailserver name when creating an account but the managed MailAccount class doesn't seem to provide this option. Can anyone tell me how to do the set the mail server name with the MailAccount class? If this isn't possible then it seems to me that the SMO features for managing database mail are basically useless.


Ok, I'm officially stupid

After spending the best part of an afternoon reading the documentation I finally figured out the answer. When a new MailAccount instance is created a default MailServer instance is created and added to the MailServers collection of the MailAccount instance. The MailServer class has a Rename method which allows you to change the name of the MailServer to the name of the SMTP server you want to use, but it's not actually possible to set this directly when you create the MailAccount. Quite why you can't construct an instance of the MailServer class and add it to the MailAccount.MailServers collection is beyond me?

I have to say that the SMO documentation in Sql Server 2005 Books Online / MSDN Library really sucks. As far as examples of configuring Database Mail goes, there's a single VB sample that illustrates creating a basic MailAccount. Good old Google isn't much help either as there appears to be very little documentation out there other than what's in MSDN Library (or if there is, my afternoon of Googling didn't find it!)

Anyhow, I finally got it working so all I need to do know is figure out how to programmatically enable Database Mail on the Sql Server instance that our product is being installed on. By default Database Mail is not enabled and has to turned on using the Sql Server Surface Area Configuration Tool or the wizard in Sql Server Mangement Studio. That's not a painless installation experience for my users so I want something a bit more automatic. It must be possible because Team Foundation Server seems to automatically enable and configure Database Mail when you install it, I just haven't figured out how yet. I'll keep looking.


It appears that you might want to execute the following code:

sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs', 1

You can do this within SMO using


where objDB is a defined database object on your server. (See my blog entry at for details on mixing SQL and SMO in an application.)

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