Monday, February 20, 2012

Management Studio Solution user-defined project folders?

When you create a Solution/Project in Management Studio, it creates 3 folders for you - Connections, Queries, Miscellaneous.

It does not appear that there exists the ability to create your own set of folders, either under the project or any of the 3 provided folders. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

If you are working on a project that has hundreds, perhaps thousands of stored procedures, views, etc., there currently seems to be no way to organize them. If this is true, this is an incredible MS oversight!


You have found the growing pain problems with the tool...maybe future versions will correct it.|||I would hope so! Since Mgmt Studio is based upon the Visual Studio shell, it doesn't seem like it would be that hard. In fact, I would think they would have had to specifically disable that functionality in this version, it seems so basic and fundamental to an IDE.|||

This is one of our most requested features. You can track the progress of this at

Here is the direct link to the issue:

Vote on it and let us know that it is important to you.

Paul A. Mestemaker II
Program Manager
Microsoft SQL Server


I already did. I also started my own post to this issue a long time ago.


Ahh, nice... even though your solution is not solved, can you mark the post as answered?

|||I agree it is a huge MS oversight... fortunately theres a 3rd party solution available... Here's the link SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Project Plugin|||I agree it is a huge MS oversight... fortunately theres a 3rd party solution available... Here's the link SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Project Plugin

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